
Bike shops near me

Find cycle shops and repair services open in your area

Looking for a cycle shop near you?

Use our interactive map to find shops for new cycles, bike parts, repairs and services.


How to use the map

Our map shows the bike shops that are currently open across the UK.

And it also shows all the offers on bike services and equipment available to keyworkers during the pandemic.

You'll see all of our National Cycle Network routes on the map, so you can find a bike shop on the go too.

Browse the map, or use the search box to look up your postcode or area.


Map key

Symbol for bike shops open as normal Bike shop open as normal Symbol for bike shops open by appointment only Open by appointment
Symbol for bike shops open online or for delivery only Online and delivery services only Symbol for contact the shop for opening times Contact the shop for opening hours

Thank you to the for providing us with the list of open bike shops across the UK. If you'd like your bike shop to be listed on this map, .


Want to keep your cycle in top condition yourself?

We've got loads of tips and guides to help you look after your bike.

Your bike will work better and last longer if you properly care for it.

Take a look at our M Check. It's just 11 easy steps you can follow to make sure your bike is safe and ready to go.

Whatever the weather is like when you go out for a ride, it's a good idea to give your bike a clean.

Read our tips to get down to the nitty-gritty of cleaning your cycle.

We've also got lots of useful bike security information so you can keep your cycle safe.

And we've got a handy guide showcasing some of the best ways you can store your bike at home.

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With thanks to our partner