
Published: 3rd DECEMBER 2019

Leg it to Lapland: keeping students travelling actively through the winter months

Schools in Devon race to travel the equivalent 2,100 miles from Devon to Lapland by foot, scooter or bike. This annual challenge encourages pupils, families and teachers to stay active during the winter months.

Keeping pupils travelling actively over the winter can be a real challenge. The more inclement months can lead to fewer active pupils and families.

The Leg it to Lapland Challenge aims to keep pupils, parents and teachers active on the school run during November and December.

It provides a fun and engaging challenge, which the whole school can take part in and compete against other schools in the area.

Earning ‘leg miles’ for walking, scooting and cycling

During the two week challenge, pupils earn virtual ‘leg miles’ by walking, scooting or cycling to school. They record this by getting their passport stamped.

They earn extra miles by taking part in ‘energetic’ activities organised by the school during the day. They include school hikes, mini Olympics and bike and scooter lunchtime sessions.

The first school to reach Lapland wins fantastic prizes for their school. It could be a fleet of scooters or a bike stunt show. Helping to encouraging more children to stay active.

The Challenge is going from strength to strength

In 2017, 850 pupils took part, logging 8,548 journeys to school and back, enough to get to Lapland 2.5 times.

In 2018, this increased to 4,693 pupils, logging 56,430 journeys. That’s enough to get to Lapland and back 16 times.

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We noticed for the duration of the challenge, that the zig zag markings outside of school were actually clear and there was very little congestion, making our children’s and families’ journeys to school much safer. It has really shown us what it can be like in the future if we continue to work together. Blockquote quotation marks
Haytor View Teacher – 2018 Challenge.

The Active Travel Schools project is delivered by Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ±¦µä and funded by Devon County Council, through the Access Fund.

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